25 Apr

Move factors (TF) of 134Cs to olive and citrus trees created on two special, still hanging out there for a 3-year nursery break down. Two-year-old trees were moved with their entire rootball into enormous pots containing the corrupted soil (110 kg pot-1).

The soil was moved to each pot in layers on the most elevated mark of which 134Cs as CsCl was streamed (18.5 MBq pot-1). For both evergreen trees, soil type essentially impacted radiocaesium move. 134Cs center was lower for the calcareous-profound soil than for the destructive light soil.

Move components of orange trees were higher than those of olive trees in the destructive light soil.

Though a ton of 134Cs was assessed in olives created on the destructive light soil, no 134Cs was recognized in the regular olive oil when an oil part (5% f.w.) was taken out.


Conflicting with the standard the edible piece of the oranges showed the most raised 134Cs centralization of all plant parts.

The association between 134Cs take-up and potassium content in the different plant compartments was similarly focused on when picked trees were slashed down.

The potassium obsession in the plants was not generally interesting between the trees filling in the two sorts of soil in spite of the colossal differences during the 134Cs take-up in the two soils.

TF values and potassium content in the different plant compartments of each tree were outstandingly related.
For the two yields move factors as well as potassium content were the most raised in the making plant parts (new leaves and branches, blooms). 

The trade factors of 134Cs for the focused on trees are in comparable huge degree as the potential gains of yearly yields created under tantamount conditions.

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